
Thursday, September 8, 2016

Does federal government have a fiduciary duty to protect and disband criminal minded consortiums?

Life-care movement explores treacherous sea where vulnerable senior vessels are known to have been looted by legendary flying Dutchman. 
Pre-trip survey charts unwritten social contracts have become so important that they tend to override realistic appraisals of alternative defensive navigates. 
Prime among Dutchman’s strength was ability to come out literally from nowhere - combined with captain’s mythic reputation of invulnerability.
Doomed voyages trend trip planners optimism failed to neither study characteristics known nor prepared counter response that made room if extraordinary risks were required after having entered quadrants that presented clear warnings in danger lie dead ahead. 

Inherent within victims group think were discounted held beliefs that ignored consequences of decisions while Dutchman’s captain was well aware of voyager’s vulnerability before preempting strikes. 

Yale University professor Irving Janis brings up another pre trip problem guised to protect citizens from adverse information abroad. 
Janis references Robert Kennedy as one of many potential “mind guards” having routinely taken one of the members of independent group aside and told them, “You might be right or you may be wrong”, but designated authoritative have  made up their minds, don’t push it any more, now is the time to help them all one can.”

In basic ethical theory we agree, but in senior reality while being immorally pirated we disagree.
Under God’s preamble referencing equal justice toward all suggests new constitution lacks to have said the law applied indoctrination of the Dutchman’s wrath from victim’s perspective inclusions of elitist and contemporary split - bill of rights. 

While concept stands well within golden rules if God as creator intended all humans to be criminals; thy- would have been done.
So in the meantime seniors must contend with notions contrary within mind guards or do we?
Perhaps history holds Boomer salvation through numbers within historic system fears of yesteryears equal to when World War II ended pending mass return of veterans provides clues needed as generation best sought after? 

Forensics compass boomers as obsoletes - no longer in need of portfolios under socialist’s reform.  
Selects are primarily to service our futures immediate scarcity concerns as designated pacifier based upon fears of Dark Ages theorized by new millennialists designated to remain unpublished within contemporarily split as agreed upon New deal. 
Scientifically what topically triages is just another Band-Aid having been applied to wrong patients while ones truly requiring emergency brain surgery are left to run shows that could care less about our nation’s future or anything except selves under the sun - all take and no give back provisioned in get. 

Referenced book:
Whatever Became of Sin?

Illinois senior citizens have served their country and paid their dues to expect right of safe retirement environments, under God, that place fiduciary integrity first over criminal minded creative bottom lines.
What needs to be made perfectly clear to all public compensates: You work for us - not us for you.
Change all prescriptions fallen out of taxpayers grace that must no longer remain forgivable.

Summary: Legislative lacks in proper ethical insight combined with immorality allowed to coerce its values into law has turned the land once known as Lincoln into shadow gamers capital of the union that surpasses all, as state it allows more fiduciary crimes committed against seniors to fly under Radars than it punishes. Under Good conscious life-care movement cannot endorse such as senior friendly state. 

Story line commentary based upon Life-care movement updated statuses within related stories of yesteryear that once again trend within forensics having gone full circle not quite done extracting. 
The Moral man, said Freud, “is not he who is never tempted” but he who can resist his temptations.”

Movement is a grass root - not for profit senior community service effort - that shares experiences promoting better educational awareness through effective communications. 
You do have a voice and a choice and Life-care movement cares.

We thank author Karl Menninger M.D and providing Library for sharing his wisdoms that enable another to successfully navigate uncharted seas that by design are intentioned to place the vulnerable senior into Hell’s two tier kitchen of injustice. 

True Freedom rarely comes free but is worth fighting for: in god, under God - securing family values that can be passed on.

1 comment:

  1. As one who stands within demonstrated familia first integrity against continual Judicial beatings hard evidenced otherwise when does enough finally ever become enough?
