
Saturday, December 30, 2017

Kenosis paraphrased as Whoever is willing to lose their Ego may find there Soul under God.

In many ways, the acceptance of God involves a battle between the I-dentity ego and the mature conscious Soul.

One of the biggest differences between the Soul and the ego is that the ego is closer to the surface of who we are or believe ourselves to be, whereas the Soul goes deeper, to the core of being - so deep that one may not be aware of that something going on inside was different than what WASP upbringing trained one to want. 

The Soul is one's true spirit, and Like God, 
it is a Spirit too slippery to capture.

The uniqueness of the Soul shows itself most whenever someone seriously 'Elects' a path of "Psychospirtual Growth" for remainder of his or her lifetime. 
It is as if psychopathology of the ego is like mud, and the more it get's cleared away, the more the Soul Underneath will Shine Forth in Glory, is a Distinct pattern of Glorious Color that can be found nowhere else on earth. 

The Secular Tendency to deny the Soul 
is also a denial of the heart. 

There is a self-fulfilling quality in secularism; the thinking goes:
"Since God doesn't exist, I will 'Discount' any evidence that hints at God. It is hardly surprising, then, that those who are cut off from a sense of their own soul are also quick to dismiss the human heart. 
Simple English: When there's a lack of integration of one's feelings and thinking - a distrust of feelings - the result is often the denial of one's own heart. 

The deepest Healing occurs not in the mind, 
But in The Heart or Soul. 

And where the heart compasses "hardened,"
No words can penetrate it. 
Voters Key - Measure Twice then Cut Once.

Conversely, when a circumcision of the heart occurs reflective of God's healing presence was in our lives then the rest of the world becomes less difficult to deal with where reality must acknowledge  truth exists, Justice was not taken lightly and all divinely feared.

Now is the time to describe all the stages of growth that need 
to routinely occur when groups Deliberately attempt to reform themselves reflective of communities honor Word under God. 

Not only could this be you but within current Re-circulatory systems (under the law allows) will be you as demands in expendables with significant assets {increase} under man's avarice's moon. 

Thursday, December 28, 2017

Chief among actions that will not work are pretending that mirror tweaks to systems will save them.

The debt-based 'Ponzi' scheme run on America.

Simple English: Unconscionable government "champagne" 
retirement and compensate packages alike that cannot be kept nor forcibly restructured under kick the can accounting destined to fail under the protection of that state's constitution guarantees full payment presents a guise'd untouchable imbalance when compared with the rest of outside america subject to compensate demotions for no legitimate reason other than top desired increase at the expense of others, Pension Benefit Guarantee Corporation discretionary losses and smell tests compassing:

The Problem: There are far too many elected "Gamesters" 
who game the system in order to meet their parties 
behind closed door unwritten social contract doctrines
 require computation payouts skewed in order to extend 
obligatory financial support to varied municipality venues 
inter-meshed not of God while under god. 

Fundamentally such Judas styled practices against america often inclusion common denominates sanctioned under the law allows to  double-and triple- dip majority of undisclosed party promises honored their special interest contributor debt owed to elitist private sectors, its unwritten social contract kick back and up profiteers are well within all of the above and down below in no shame.

State and Federal Government funded distributions and their associated programs alike must be forced by congress (preferably within next upcoming session) that all representatives who come before us must present nothing less than "Honest Math" in the spirit of their First Fiduciary Duty met it's responsibility as a watchdog in this process protected the general american public above all else and elected Judas' who refuse to comply within order will be punished up to remanded over to the Sergeant - of - Arms as deemed fit so true under God statesmen can restructure rather than throw additional borrowed funds to the wind where redundant broken systems (such as Illinois) must be aligned with what private companies are required to go through when they cannot honor their debt obligations due to bad avarice accounting combined it's bad math ceased is the only way this nation will be able to  appear strong before the world community where it integrally toke its medicine while ethically cleaned up its act. 


Voters Key - Measure Twice then Cut Once.

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Is america embarrassingly well over its head through fault of it's own up to points rendering no potential return under current political corrupt avarice doctrines?

Where all listed below came to pass In Living Trust and beyond beginning 2014 well within a  federal class one felony by amount remains unaccounted for in trust and by complaint within every state, federal, and treasury agency known to man exists a well documented witness who can prove conclusively all listed below to be true beyond any Grand Juries Doubt equips John Q. Public the ability to march boldly forward and proclaim dissatisfaction for the record along with 2017's (hokus-pokus) styled kick the can tax reform law unanimously stances Hell No to both  declaring We the People and Nation recognize to be in serious trouble due to our traitorous political parties and elected Judas leaders only out for themselves. 

Saturday, December 23, 2017

God's Crystal Ball warns all Boomers to be ready while aware that your GOP'S re-circulatory avarice is impatient while on rampage where time grows short.

Boomers beware of all GOP ram raided doctrines that simple English: 
We needed your accumulated average of over $150,000 per home equities held recirculated in order to satisfy parties  commitment to deregulation contributors made behind closed doors maintains boys club members expectancy to remain as connoisseur in and of the high life.