
Tuesday, August 14, 2018

God asks a probationary birth right prior to November 06, 2018's compassed outcome: do you really know what your doing within potentiates of Enough commands "I never Knew You" under God saved the rest?

Let us all look together under the light of the Examen as we explore worldly so none can claim in nor under excuse!

What is the job of the US president?
2. Chief Executive. The president is the "boss" for millions of government workers in the Executive Branch. He or she decides how the laws of the United States are to be enforced and chooses officials and advisors to help run the Executive Branch.

What are the 5 most important roles of the president?
These roles are: (1) chief of state, (2) chief executive, (3) chief administrator, (4)chief diplomat, (5) commander in chief, (6) chief legislator, (7) party chief, and (8) chief citizen. Chief of state refers to the President as the head of the government. 
"He is the symbol of (all) the people!

What is the main job of Congress?
18 expressed powers of Congress (powers stated in the Constitution)
Legislative Branch: Headed by Congress, which includes the House of Representatives and the Senate. The main task of these two bodies is to make the laws. Its powers include passing laws, originating spending bills (House), impeaching officials (Senate), and approving treaties (Senate).

What is the role of the inspector general?
Inspecting For Trust: The Role Of Inspectors GeneralInspectors general are accountable to the taxpayers. They are supposed to detect and prevent waste, fraud and abuse — and thereby, hopefully, build back just a little trust in government. The institution is now more than 20 years old.

Can a law be changed by a president?
Yeah. But they can't change the law itself without going through Congress. ... The US President does not make laws so a following President cannot change what does not exist. The US Congress makes laws, the US President only approves them (or not).

What is a federal lawsuit?
Filing a Lawsuit in Federal Court. Generally, the law requires that you first try to settle your discrimination complaint by going through the administrative complaint process before you file a lawsuit. In other words, you generally cannot go directly to court to sue an agency.

LEGAL ACTIONS BY President TRUMP,FIGHTING EVERYONE who may disagree with him FROM THE GOVERNMENT TO private sectors in sheer volume of lawsuits that speak for selves while unprecedented for any President to require the need for anything approaching the number of Trump’s courtroom entanglements while famous for legal skirmishes over everything from golf courses, tax bills, and Trump University: the natural stewards question would be where reality compasses all general taxpayers will assume these additional idiosyncrasies as tax burden over and above all else appears to be America's newest TAXPAYERS PAY THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT TO SUE ITSELF's : biggest LOOSER's 'Simpleton's' Club. 

Taxpayers are paying both sides — and we don’t even get to see the numbers that should be a matter of public record, because both the costs of litigation and lawyers are expensive and add up very quickly. 

This arrangement not only wastes taxpayer dollars, it also undermines democracy in which bypasses Congresses authority to put a stop to this madness - as It should do so!

Filed legal actions not only provide valuable worldly clues about a nations Integral leadership's skills but additionally proviso's if ethical abilities as chief in leader of free worlds would be suitable as well. 
Another words: America is far from being even close to claim it is open for world business - in no uncertain terms. 

What are the four powers of the Senate?
Special, exclusive powers given to the Senate include the following:

  • Major presidential appointments must be confirmed by the Senate. ...
  • Treaties with other nations entered into by the President must be approved by a two-thirds vote by the Senate. ...
  • An impeachment trial occurs in the Senate.

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