
Thursday, August 16, 2018

God asks: where printed news still has the courage to publish and report the truth in fact correctness in spite of Trumps's GOP Fascist Staples, then why then can't the unburdened media not follow these patriots in example who demonstrate that America and community well being always comes First over network profit rating/rated margins?

God asks: where paper printed news publishes and reports correctness in spite of  Trumps's GOP Plutocrat tariff"s along with crony media approved tax credit vampires fighting over free bonus incentive's protect's Americas under world Bush empire Trumpism: a higher power far greater than all asks where all red states and rest whom know whom they are claiming Bible belt or 700 club otherwise protects Politico Parties destructive cunningness over no regard in america or another under God?

Let's all worldly witness together so none here will be in further excuse over "I never knew You" became a birth rights deserved reality before all saved the rest and possibly world. 

Where media overplayed tax hysteria or guise'd another Trump deal literally kicked another dead folly horse under the art of the dead deal: let's take the time to settle all current (N) debate(s) via historic character records so all general voters can move on and forecast their window prior to November 06, 2018"s outcome under free will determines either extended in further Grace or Enough -"I Never Knew You"!

Foundation Shade Finder: 

The Justice Department sued Donald Trump, his father, Fred, and Trump Management in order to obtain a settlement in which Trump and his father would promise not to discriminate. 

The case eventually was settled two years later after Trump tried to countersue the Justice Department for $100 million for making false statements.

 Those allegations were dismissed by the court.

Donald started his career, back in 1973, being sued by the Justice Department for racial discrimination — because he would not rent apartments in one of his developments to African-Americans, and he made sure that the people who worked for him understood that was the policy.

The lawsuit was based on evidence gathered by testers for the New York City Human Rights Division, which alleged that black people who went to Trump buildings were told there were no apartments available, while white people were offered units.

Washington Post reporter Michael Kranish, co-author of the book Trump Revealed, tells NPR's Robert Siegel that the Justice Department considered the case "one of the most significant race bias cases" at the time.

The Trumps took essentially the first settlement offer the federal government provided, Kranish says; the Trumps did not, in fact, have to admit guilt in settling the suit.

"[The settlement] required the Trumps to place ads in newspapers saying that they welcomed black applicants," Kranish says. "It said that the Trumps would familiarize themselves with the Fair Housing Act, which prohibited discrimination. So it also specifically said they don't admit wrongdoing, but they did have to take several measures that the Trumps had fought for two years not to take."

Trump claims the Justice Department lawsuit was just one of many housing cases against many landlords, but Kranish says this description is misleading.

"Well, there were cases brought against various companies, but the point here is that Trump has said in the debate — and he also told me when I interviewed him at Trump Tower earlier this year — that this was part of one massive suit." Kranish says, "And in fact, this very specifically is a case that charges Donald Trump, Fred Trump and their company of race bias in housing rentals. ... It was one of the largest cases of the time. 

"It was a suit that was directly against them, and it is one that Donald Trump to this day clearly is upset about."

1 comment:

  1. Can America's arrogance still hope to out chess a higher power far greater than all into check pends mate; I guess under time we will all find out, won't we?
