
Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Learning From Role Models. Tired at winning yet?

Our relations with others -  and learning from them - can be one of life's gifts.
As a blessing, role models help prevent us from having to learn everything from scratch, so to speak, since if we are good listeners and observers we can avoid some of the pitfalls someone else had found on the path we are heading. 

*Donald Trump and the Plan of No Plan.
*Donald Trump Has No Plan.
*'you get the politicians you deserve'
*A Leopard can't change his spots - Idiom

But we must choose wisely whom we emulate, because role models may be detrimental at times.

In childhood, one of the routes of learning, for better or worse, is through our parents as primary role models. In adulthood, we have the opportunity to make a deliberate choice of role models; we can not only decide on good role models but even use negative role models appropriately, as examples of what not to do.
Donald Trump's Business Failures Were Very Real.
A big part of learning can come about through a negative role model who redundantly reflects Mr. Bumbles. 
The president is failing, and Americans are paying for his failures.
Americas problem, Mr. Bumbles supervises but all of his psychiatric instincts were wrong. Going Down Slow.

Other words, our Nations simple English before all world stages evolved in which only reflects stupid selfishness's unnecessary states of terrible confusion that never should be revered, respected or repeated.

So in learning from others, one must keenly perceive the nuances that allow us to distinguish between Good and Bad teachers. Because some  Fail to make such distinctions, many develop neuroses when they had Bad Role Models and feel they must behave the same way as other bad influential's did. One Chance.
From select some, for example, One may come to finally realize (before it's too late) a great deal about what I don't want for myself.

One of the saddest sights in the world are a people still trying to live life as usual and control their affairs when their no longer competent to do so. Usually these sorts have in no way prepared for the seriousness or the death. They have become stuck. Many will try to continue to maintain the resemblance of some kind of house but alas without much help such house can only fall into its own total destined disorder.

Paradoxically, it is from these poor souls as negative role models America must pray daily as a unified nation to a power far greater than all for the survival keys needed towards continual learning that leads to sustainable growth.
*Eric Clapton - Have you ever loved a   woman?
*The Remnant.
*Trump-induced existential anxiety has torn
  the nation apart, but it's fixable.
*If America returned to God, Scripture promises that God would further bless not curse that nation.
Prepare to Meet Your God! "The handwriting is on the wall" and the outlook is grim.

Group Learning.

*Five Definitive Characteristics of Righteous Leadership ... The five traits of righteousness that must characterize a nation.

*Pablo Cruise 'Love Will Find A Way' Live.

*The Word of God is at Work - are you Listening?

Continuing to learn is a matter of great importance not only for individuals but also for groups.

Our sole assignments today is to do for the Bible what Christ did for prayer. The combined mission: work with others in the foundation of Community Encouragement to be healthy and "Whole"-even "holy."

When groups are healthy, their individual members are in an environment where they can learn more effectively and efficiently-about themselves and other people-than in any other place. The group itself also learns.
Conservatism has become a racket, and Trump is the grifter in chief.
Although it takes a great deal of work, including the work of unlearning, a group can develop a "conscious" of it's own which is wiser and greater than the sum of it's individual members. 
Trump, Our Grifter in Chief, Is a Global Menace.
Such groups can become extraordinarily effective decision-making bodies. 

Because healthy groups can be extraordinary productive in addressing extremely complex issues, Community development must strive toward the business of working more in businesses and other organizations that build those temporary communities collaboratively on  sound foundations that the only road ever taken must be sustainable and lasts made America Great, once Again.
My Father's Eyes.
The key issue, however, is while its always easiest to teach how to learn when in the face of crisis or other words (backs were up against the wall of no escape) whats not so easy is the field of the new frontier to be continual in all of our affairs.

More now, than ever before through Covid-19 exists great reason to believe that the matter of group heath is even more significant than that of the individual health. Just as individuals must continue to learn in order to survive well, so must our organizations and institutions. The survival of our civilization may well depend upon whether our institutions can evolve into sustainable communities and hence become ongoing learning organizations.

Educational Book Share: The Road Less Traveled and Beyond - Spiritual Growth in an Age of Anxiety. M.Scott Peck, M.D.

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