
Monday, May 18, 2020

Values and Learning Choices. Have you had enough of winning yet?

Three factors play central roles in our learning: attitude, temperament, and values.
Although interrelated, insofar as they can be separated, each is a valuable and separate component in learning and of itself.
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Because attitude is one's disposition or general approach to viewing things, it undoubtedly effects one's ability to learn. An atheist has has an "attitude" about religion that will affect ones perception of things. An alcoholic who is superficially religious may still have a negative attitude toward AA in general because the notion "to be powerless" is anathema to them.
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Thus part of learning is becoming conscious of our attitudes and calling them into question.

Temperament refers to the biological part of our personality. It's in our genes. That's why, even when children are very young, parents and others who spend a great deal of time with them can make fairly accurate assessments and predictions about how an individual child may respond to certain situations.
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Whether temperaments are irretrievably established by a certain age or set in stone at birth is a matter of debate.

Values are those qualities we deem important. And those we deem more important than others effect the choices we make and the options we perceive in life. Since we cant learn everything there is to know, we are faced with the ongoing problems of making choices based primarily on what we value the most. Consequently, throughout life we must make choices about what we are going to learn - if we have made the decision to learn at all.
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As the Sufi Muslim Idreies Shah said, paraphrased, "It is not enough to study. First one must determine what to study and what not to study. When to study and when not to study. And who to study with and who not to study under."

This applies not only to focused, academic learning but also to life experiences and choices about what to give our time and attention to.

In part, Idries Shah to a matter of priorities, and nowhere do I spend more of my time than trying to sort out my priorities.

Some of those priorities have to do with what to study and what not to study.
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But probably my most important choice has been that of discerning my values.

For instance, the value of integrity has come to be very high on my list of priorities.
From The Road Less Traveled, it can be discerned that another two of my primary values are dedication to reality or truth and the acceptance of appropriate responsibility.
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Critical to this issue of accepting responsibility has been the decision to accept the pain involved in learning. The dedication to Truth is one part of being a scientist. What we call the scientific method is nothing more than a series of conventions and procedures that were adopted over the centuries in order to combat our very human tendency to want to deceive ourselves.

We practice this method out of a dedication  to something higher than our immediate intellectual or emotional comfort: namely, the Truth, Science, therefore, is an activity submitted to a higher power (except, of course, in those instances when the ego gets in the way of their search for truth).
Since once upon a time America believed God is the epitome of our higher power - God is light, God is Love, God is Truth - any thing that seeks these values are holy.
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Thus, while it cannot answer all questions, science, in its proper place, is a very holy activity.

Hunter Lewis's book A Question of Values demonstrates the people have quite different primary values upon which they base their decisions and through which they interpret the world. He Lists those values as Experience, Science, Reason, Authority, and Intuition. Lewis is unclear about when we make our choice of a primary value.
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Perhaps it is not a choice at all but is something genetic. In any case,m if it is a choice, it seems to be made both unconsciously and passively during childhood. Nevertheless, we have it within our power during Adulthood to continually reassess our values and priorities.

Empiricist's, primarily value experience as the best route to knowledge and understanding.
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But Lewis goes on to talk about "hybrid value systems," and here, perhaps, is the importance of his book.
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If we can become aware of our primary values, then, in Adulthood, we can deliberately go about nurturing other values.  Missionary man - Eurythmics - Gospel version.

For Instance, the "authority of the Scriptures" was not a great value for many during their childhood. Even today, many still do not consider the Scriptures to be "perfect" in their authority, yet God's Remnant's faithfully do and continued to delight in the studying of them, learning of them, and  putting them to us.

It is within adulthood that we have the choice (under free will) to deliberately chose to learn the intuitive skills, which were not possessed when younger.
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Other words, one now exalted using both the right brain and the left brain, since there is more than one way we can learn, and extoll using multiple values by developing as complex a hybrid value system as possible.
So we are back to the subject of integrity and wholeness.
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Unlike children we can practice integrity by conscious choice.

Some people find they are good at learning information or content skills and others feel more adept in relational skills. When were good at one thing and not so good at another, we tend to avoid the one thing that is difficult, or to neglect aspects of ourselves that we find uncomfortable because they are unfamiliar or seem threatening.
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In learning wholeness, we must be open to androgyny, to encompassing both components.

𝕒𝕝𝕚𝕤𝕠𝕟 𝕜𝕣𝕒𝕦𝕤𝕤 — "𝕔𝕒𝕟'𝕥 𝕗𝕚𝕟𝕕 𝕞𝕪 𝕨𝕒𝕪 𝕙𝕠𝕞𝕖" — 𝕒𝕦𝕕𝕚𝕠
We are called to be whole people. The words "health," "wholeness," and "holiness" all have the same root.
Steve Winwood and Eric Clapton - Dear Mr. Fantasy (HQ)(Crossroads Guitar Festival 2010)
It is both our psychological and our spiritual task-particularly during our second half of our life- to work toward our fullest potential as human beings, to become the best we can be. Becoming whole involves using our Talents, which can be learned or developed, but usually only with a great deal of practice and often only with the Maturity required for the humility to work on our weak sides.

Educational Book Share: The Road Less Traveled and Beyond - Spiritual Growth in an Age of Anxiety.

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