We Have Met the Enemy (and He is Us)
You Cheered as He Fucked Up. No Take Backs, Trumpists.
The virus doesn’t follow him on Twitter. It does what it does, and exploits time and complacency in its human hosts. Trump gave it a six-week pass.
The internet remembers, and they can’t undo the last six weeks of excuse-making on Trump’s behalf.
There are good leaders, bad leaders, and lucky leaders. Sometimes good leaders have bad luck. Sometimes bad leaders have good luck. This time, we’ve got a bad leader whose luck finally ran out, and whose reservoir of trust outside his base is essentially zero.
And we’re not even at the end of the beginning of this pandemic. God help us.

This may or may not be, but the conversation is important for those of us still desperately searching for community as our comfort minus those redundant conceptualization politico cover-up’s not of God or in nation.
Its one that hopefully will show us a new way forward …. or so said famed cartoonist Walt Kelly, creator of the “Pogo” comic strip of the mid-20th century. Kelly’s subtle jab was aimed at the paradox of the human condition: those things we hate, we tend to embody. That which we stand against, we sometimes stand on. All of us are hard- wired toward comfort. Given the difficult road and easy path, we’ll take the path just about every time.

God Fulfills Some Promises In Predicable, Expected Ways.
As we look at some of the promises and prophecies of the bible, we see that many have already been fulfilled. In many cases the fulfillment of the promise was clear and undeniable, just as expected.
When God told Pharaoh that he was going to send a plague of frogs, he did just that (Exodus 8). When he told David that his son would build a temple, Solomon was born and he built it (2 Samuel 7:1-17 1 kings 5-8). When God said that Judah would be judged for her unfaithfulness and sent into exile that’s exactly what happened (Jeremiah 25). Jesus said the temple would be destroyed and not one brick left on another, and in AD 70 it was totally demolished (Mathew 24:2).
But God sometimes fulfills his promises in ways we could never have imagined.

God Fulfills Some Promises In Unexpected, Supernatural Ways.
At times, the Lord has used methods we could easily understand. He sent his people into battle with a promise of victory, and he gave them strength and strategy to overcome their enemies. On other occasions, he did the unexpected. He defeated Pharaoh’s army as they pursued the escaping Israelite’s (Exodus 14), he caused the walls of Jericho to collapse (Joshua 6), and the angel of the Lord destroyed 185,000 Assyrians (2 Kings 19:35). God can fulfill his promises in unexpected and supernatural ways.
Sometimes we have a hard time recognizing how God has fulfilled a promise or imagining how he will fulfill it.
While we try to figure out how God is going to answer a prayer or fulfill his promises, he is calmly and powerfully working out his plans behind the scenes and in ways and for reasons that we may not comprehend. It should not surprise us that in Isaiah 55, the Lord described our inability to understand his methods:”For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,’declares the Lord. ‘As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts” (VV,55:8-9).

For a full treatment of treatment of Old and New Covenant Promises, i to study Romans 9-11, Galatians 3-5, and Hebrews 7-10. Romans outlines God, selection,rejection,and ultimate salvation of his chosen people. Galatians provides an overview of the law’s relationship to God’s promises and our freedom in Christ. Hebrews details the preeminent role of Christ in all of this.