Friday, March 25, 2016

Senior Financial Special NeedsTrust Counterfeiting – Preferred 60 and under Scam when medical disagrees and not ready for Memory unit.

A windstorm emerged out of county of Oz - an immense cloud full of carefully guarded words with reversed flashing administer loophole lightning’s that move in many directions.

In the center of designated storm was fire, and within that fire were communication defamations allowed to move freely about as they pleased. 

Then came a voice and as it lowered it darkened wings it stated: this will cost you if you don’t sign and go along which is for your own good and best overall interests. 

God’s Watchmen then steps forth and proclaims Ezekiel’s call.
He states, Boomer son of man, stand up on your feet and I will speak to you. 
As he spoke, the spirit came within that raises one to their feet, and I heard him speak and he said: Boomer Son of Man your being swept up by a rebellious nation that has rebelled against me; they and their predecessors have been in revolt against me to this very day.  
The people whom you face are obstinate and stubborn, say to them, ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says. And whether they listen or fail to listen – for they are a rebellious house – they will know that a Profit has been among them. 
And you Boomer son of man do not be afraid of their words. Do not be afraid, though briers and thorns are all around you living among Scorpions. Do not be afraid of what is guardedly said nor terrified by them, though they are a rebellious house. You must speak my word to them, whether they listen or fail to listen, for they are rebellious. 
But you Boomer son of man listen to what I say to you. Do not rebel like that rebellious house; open your mouth and eat what I give you. Then a hand was extended and in it was a scroll, which he unrolled before me. On both sides of it were written word of Lament and Mourning and Woe. 

He next said Boomer Son of Man, eat what is before you, eat this scroll; then go and speak to the house of Oz. You are not being sent to a people of obscure speech and difficult language whose words you cannot understand, surely if I had sent you to them, they would have listened to you. 

But the house of Oz is not willing to listen to you because they are not willing to listen to me, for the whole house of Oz is Hardened and Obstinate. I will make you as unyielding and hardened as they are. 

I will make your forehead like the hardest stone, harder than flint, do not be afraid of them or terrified by them, though they are a rebellious house. 

Next he said, Son of Boomer Man listen carefully and take to heart all the words I speak to you. 
Go now to your countrymen in exile and speak to them, say to them, ‘This is what the sovereign Lord Says, whether they listen or fail to listen. 
May the Glory of the Lord be Praised in His Dwelling Place were their living as you sit among them.  
  The word of the Lord now comes.
Boomer Sons of Man, I have made you watchmen’s for the house of Oz, so hear the words I speak and give them warning from me. 

When I say to the wicked, you will surely fall, and you do not warn them or speak out to dissuade them from their evil ways in order to save salvation, that wicked person will demise for their Sin, and I will hold you accountable for them. But if you do warn the wicked and they do not turn from their wickedness or evil ways, they will demise for their sin; BUT YOU WILL HAVE SAVED YOURSELF. 

When the righteous turn from righteousness and does evil I put stumbling blocks before them and they will demise.  Since they were not warned they will demise for their sins and whatever righteousness they may have done in the past will not be remembered while I hold you accountable for their blood. 
But if you do warn the righteous person not to sin and they do not sin, they will surely sustain because they took warning and you will have saved yourself. 

Holy Bible – New International Version situational share edit rewrite.

Thinking and listening
Given our almost counted upon reliance on assumptions – and on the Illusions that coexist with them – the unethical often Miscommunicate creating great chaos. 

Fee Predators count on passive interaction listening. 
Listening intuitively well is an active ongoing exercise of our attention to details and, by necessity is hard work. When we extend ourselves, trait usually devils advocates do not receive well, we attempt undesired extra step or walk that extra mile in opposition to laziness and fear. 
Listening well requires total concentration upon another in the broadest sense of the word.
An Essential part of Listening well is the Bracketing, the temporary giving up or setting aside in order to understand as far as possible another world from the inside and new knowledge is always gained from it. Most of the time many lacks this energy as in this fable mass systematic intentional chaos is enabler specifically designed to block what we may feel in our business dealings or other relationships require specific attention but masterly refined to selective hearing forum is the nature of the Game. 
The motive is mind steerage so one can achieve certain desired redirections as quickly as possible from conversations in ways more satisfactory toward desires best walked away from, while never looking back. 

While it is true that one’s capacity to listen well may improve gradually with practice, it never becomes an effortless process. 
Understanding intuitively is vital element of the capacity to listen well and of itself, remarkably therapeutic. There are several reasons for this phenomenon, but chiefly it is believed one gains sense that he or she can now be truly listened to and for some, perhaps for the first time ever. 

Sense of Entitlements is the problem above. 
Inherent in this attitude is a cockiness that borders BLATANT NARCISSISM. 




Not for Profit: Senior advocacy Life experience, community service edit commentary educational share.
Reference material utilized: M. Scott Peck, M.D.
From the book: The Road less Traveled and Beyond, Spiritual Growth in an Age of Anxiety
No ownership or infringements are sought nor implied in extension of self-help recovery share.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Trust busting - Gold rush of the Burbs.


Purpose and theme: For obtaining wisdom and discipline, for understanding words of insight, for acquiring a disciplined prudent life toward doing what is right-just- and fair through better understandings is the beginning of knowledge that legion despises. 

Warnings against Enticements; Listen to your fathers instruction AND DO NOT FORSAKE YOUR MOTHER’S TEACHINGS they will be a garland to grace your head and a chain to adorn your neck.
If Sinners entice you do not give in to them. If they say, Come along with us; let’s lie in wait for someone’s blood (representing your money or estate), let’s waylay some harmless soul ; lets swallow them alive (represents none Ethical law firm) , like the grave , and whole, like those who go down to the pit; we will get all sorts of valuable things (represents misusage in law by applications) and fill our houses with plunder; throw in your lot with us (represents inner circle business front ), and we will share a common purse. 

God say; Do not go along with them, do not set foot on their paths; for their feet rush into Sin, they are swift to shed blood. How useless to spread a net in full view of all the birds!

These (individuals) lie in wait for their own blood; they waylay only themselves!

Such is the end of all who go after “ILL – GOTTON GAIN; it takes away the lives of those who get it. 

Proverbs 1:21 – Wisdom call aloud in the street, she raises her voice in the public squares; at the head of the noisy streets she cries out, in the gateways of the city she makes her speech; How long will mockers delight in mockery and fools hate knowledge? 
Since rejected when called and no one gave heed and since all ignored advice and would not accept rebuke, in turn we will laugh at your disaster; we will mock when calamity overtakes like a storm, when disaster sweeps over like a whirlwind, when distress and trouble overwhelm all within. 
In conclusion as all eventually must face their shadow they will eat the fruit of their ways and be filled with the fruit of their schemes simply due to none covenant observance under God with no one to blame except selves. 

The ministry of Reconciliation
Proverbs 5:11 – Since we know what it is to fear the lord, we try to persuade individuals.   
Therefor if anyone is of Christ, they are a new creation; the old is gone, the New has come!
As God’s fellow workers we urge you not to receive God’s Grace in Vein, for he says, “In the time of my favor I have heard you, and in the day of salvation I Helped you.” 
I tell you, now is the time of God’s favor, and now is the day of salvation. 

Do not be yoked with Unbelievers. 
Proverbs 5:14 – Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do “Righteousness “and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can “Light” have with darkness? 
What harmony is there between “Christ” and Belial? What does a “Believer” have in common with an unbeliever? What agreement is there between the temple of “God” and idols? 
For we are the temple of the Living God, as God has said: I will live with them and walk among them, and I will be their God, and they will be my people. “Therefore come out from them and be separate, says the lord make room for us in your hearts.

We have wronged no one, we have corrupted no one, we have exploited no one, we take pride within our troubles which knows no bounds. 

Situational Law edit rewrite: Holy Bible – New International Version.


If within community one sustains High Quality of Communication among its members. 

Pseudo-communities that promote uncivil, superficial, meaninglessness’s more often than most resemble stabbings of each other in the back while hurting others for reasons only god knows, but suspect based upon greed which is root of all evils. 

A true ambassador statesman holds civility awareness consciousness that is Ethical in Submission to a Higher Power. Civility requires organizational as well as individual consciousness. 


System theory implies that we must be able to adjust – and sometimes very quickly – or the system breaks down. Organizations that dramatically lack Social Consciousness suffer from hole in the mind mentality and while this hole is often gaping, sometimes it’s more like a slice of Swiss cheese. 
For instance, a Business Executive is likely to come into awareness that their business holds complexities, but never stopped to think about it. Others may be quite aware, but have little consciousness about that organization that employs them. 
This hole in the mind – this unconsciousness concerning organizational irregularities is frequently fed by Narcissism holding little empathy. 
There is no way we can evolve into a more civil society until even greater numbers of us are willing to make the choice not only to be personally conscious but also to think in terms of whole systems that expand our awareness in order to fill the hole in the mind. 

So civility is something more than behavior that is merely motivated, it must be “Ethical as Well.”

Secular Humanism businesses are like houses built on sand, when the going gets rough – strife is abroad – secular humanistic attitudes more often than most are easily Blown Away while prostituting selves for the get. 

Secular humanism generally says nothing about why Human Beings are precious, or why they should be treated accordingly. 
These types of businesses being unrooted in any type of theology are often fair weather Phenomena. 

Civil Ethical Behavior must be specific by submission forever demonstrating powers of light and TRUTH all synonymous of love consciousness that extends daily without being asked and never reliant upon Devil’s advocate catchphrases to earn your Trust or business.  

The common denominator that separates the true professional organization from the narcissistic demonstrates straight forward truths able to stand on own merits requiring little to no further explanation. 
While the Narcissistic organization forever requires dialogue Bounty Hunts, so before you become Heartbreak hotels permanent guest recognize character trait early on, run, and never look back.  

Boundaries and vulnerability

Whenever structures such as probate accountability have been established, there you will find some boundaries? 
Such boundaries are supposed to be a two-edge sword!
In county of Oz sales departments are totally free to march in and tell it how to market it so the result is always chaos solely at your expense. 

Normally in trust declared private – No Probate is designed to be the easiest choice which other people must respect under set boundaries which will eventually be punished, one way or the other, for failing to perceive such boundaries and act accordingly, I have been waiting since 2013 to see this and still waiting to this day.

Under almost all circumstances it would be plain stupid to walk into a situation where you are likely to be permanently damaged yet here I am where I am not supposed to be in Living Trust? 
Why you may ask, stupid selfishness ran back to known bunker offering greatest protections to avoid all existential fiduciary sufferings because smart selfishness though labeled mentally Ill in concern properly distinguishes between sufferings that are neurotic, unnecessary, and unproductive within administrative organization behaviors combined with attorneys afraid to stand up against mighty wizards within status quo is how it’s done here under god’s community covenant in justices name. 
Trust stands so far out into left field compromised even by order reputable regulated financial institutions are not beating down doors to assume this business nor liabilities associated within.
So with all these wonderful facts in mind, where does mental illness in financial concern actually reside within that even Gomer Pyle understands and blind can easily see? 

Off the record mono to mono to  in trust members.

We both recognize existence in criminal activity for profit.
I need to know what side of this fence do you stand, I am ready to heavily judiciary strike back , I have lived in Cat and mouse Russian roulet far too long, yet I still survive which serves as warning  to rouge members from your higher Power ?
If I do not affirmatively hear back from all in agreement to repent  by tomorrow by 17:00, I know which side of the fence all straddles within as Devils Advocates. 
If I were a betting man, all are struck in stupid selfishness mode over their heads in chaos resembling  Every person for self and to the victor cursed Spoils holding gauntlet absoluteness, I will not be the only one too demise into depths of  hell here as misery loves company and all whom do not repent are welcome to join in misguided love and if you were bad enough then some for  good measures . 
Ive head declarations as active church member, prove your net worth in Jesus name in my mothers name who unjustly as slave filled your pockets made sacrifice to die who died ahead of her time for your pocket, what happens next  next determines what we do in honor of her name? 
We declare under the Holy Trinity My deceased mothers name will no longer be allowed monetarily rapped nor defiled. 

Saved 1
No brag, just fact, next move here play's for keeps? 
No Further Mercy will be Found.
Time New School was educated through Old School
For their own good ensuring survival toward tomorrows. 

Not for Profit: Senior advocacy Life experience, community service edit rewrite, educational share.
Reference material utilized: M. Scott Peck, M.D.
From the book: The Road less Traveled and Beyond, Spiritual Growth in an Age of Anxiety
No ownership or infringements are sought nor implied in extension of self-help recovery share.

Friday, March 18, 2016

Welcome to Sin town, how to misapply Senior law toward protections and get away with it!

Romans 2:17
Now you, if you call yourself an authority; if you rely on the law and brag about your relationships and approve of what is superior because you can by the law; if you are convinced that you are a guide for the blind, al light for those who are in the dark, an instructor of the foolish, 

a teacher of infants, because you have in the law the embodiment of knowledge and truth under god in community you, then, who teach others, do you not teach yourself? You who preach against stealing, do you steal? You who say what people should not commit, do you not commit? You who abhor idols, do you not Rob Temples? You who brag about the Law do you not Dishonor God by breaking the Law? 

As it is written; “God’s name is blasphemed among the Gentiles because of you.”
Circumcision has value if you serve the law, but if you break the law, you have become as though you had not been circumcised. If those who are not circumcised keep the law’s requirements, they will not be regarded as though they were circumcised? 

The one who is not circumcised and yet obeys the law will condemn those who, even though have unwritten code and circumcision, are Law Breakers. 

A person is not of written code if they are only one outwardly. No, a person is of code under god is one inwardly circumcised by the Heart, by the Spirit, not by unwritten contracts of code. 

Romans 13
Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God Established. 
The authorities that exist have been established by God. 
Consequently, those who Rebel against the authority (Grey area Law commonly known as the loophole) are rebelling against what god has instituted, and practitioners who do so will bring Judgment on Themselves. 
For Rulers hold no Terror for those who do Right, but for those who do wrong!
If one desires to be free from fear of the one in authority they do not hide behind Financial Mental Illness, they do what is right as Gods servant in community under covenant all affairs. 
Free will states if you do wrong, be afraid, for they do not bear the sword for nothing. 
They are Gods servant, an agent of Wrath to bring punishment on wrongdoing. 
Therefor it is necessary that even (Inner Circles) submit to the authorities, not only because of possible punishment but also because of Conscience. 

This is why we pay taxes for the authorities are God’s Servants who give their full time to Governing?
Give everyone what you OWE THEM!
Let no debt remain outstanding for he who loves his fellow man fulfills the law. 
The commandments “Do not” and whatever other commandment there may be sum up under one rule: Love does not harm its neighbor; therefore Love is fulfillment of the law. 

Holy Bible – New International Version situational share edit rewrite.

The choice of Emptiness
Many in the Land of Oz are terrified of the void of not knowing how one will come out on the other side?

The most healing experience in a world waiting to be born is gifts by Role Models out of emptiness of not knowing who serve as wonderful positive role models to boot. 
Crossroads can be turning points In life holding amazing Graces that give courage’s to succeed when “know it all’s” state that’s not how it’s done, but under which servants rule? 

Dropping out and walking away from a Wasp Track chosen for you require courage as first giant step out of an entire culture you’re supposed to aspire to. 
There are no easy simple formulas here, in handling life experiences one must endure a degree of emptiness and the agony of not knowing yet the unconscious mind appears to be one step ahead of the conscious mind.

If your Will is steadfast toward the good and you are willing to suffer fully when the Good seems ambiguous, then your unconscious will always be One Step Ahead of your Conscious mind in the Right Direction. In other words you will do the Right Thing. 
You won’t always have the Luxury of knowing it at the time you are doing it.
Indeed, you will do the right thing precisely because you’ve been willing to forego the Luxury.   
If this Guideline seems obscure, then you might want to remember that almost all Evil in the World is committed by who are “ABSOLUTELY” that they know what they are doing!

The role of the Soul
The notion of the Soul is to get rid of “BAD KARMA” so that we can eventually make transitions.  
Learnings ultimate goal is the perfection of our soul, not the other way around. 
Denial in ethical morality is denial of the soul, for one reason or another some are strongly immune or closed to it. 
Of The sole is being involved in something that is actually much larger than we are, and therefore cannot be submitted to any single, adequate or simplistic definition. 
In the soul is about learning designed for that purpose God nurtured through Grace that continues throughout lives otherwise there would be no purpose in having one which grace seems to be devoted to that end. 
The hard work of co-creating (or coactualizing) ourselves with God’s guidance is on ongoing process of unfolding, development, and blooming. 
But the deliberate choice “to learn” and grow is primarily one that we make or fail to make as adults. 
During childhood most learning is passive, in other words for the most part it just happens. 
Evil, Sins, and Other Fiduciary Distinctions
Many have steadfastly bought into the notion that intelligence can only be gauged by Numerical measures. That is perhaps true of analytical intelligence; but as a result other aspects of intelligence have tended to be overlooked or downplayed concerning empathy in social awareness’s. 

Inborn Narcissism is an extraordinary complex phenomenon, but unbridled Narcissism is the principle precursor of psychospiritual illness.  
The failure to grow out of Narcissism is also extremely destructive.
Nothing threatens narcissistic injuries in self more than when attachment to self-deceit holds impending obliterations always followed by acute bitterness. 

There are two ways to deal with fear: The common way such as miss-application of Mental illness or the smart way which is to face it rather than further hide behind systems offering retreat from consciousness providing limited awareness of it such as county public guardian’s office. 

In the book “People of the lie” it is boldly asserted that certain people are evil. 

IT is important to distinguish between people who are evil, ordinary criminals, or just plain sinners. 

Evil by no means is confined only to the incarcerated and randomness to their destruction.

What usually sets them apart from white collar is a quality of openness to their wickedness. 

They will tell you the truly evil always reside outside of jail which is generally accurate. 

Indeed most people who commit evil are usually seen as ordinary citizens and more often than not are considered solid citizens who do and say most of the right things on the surface? 

There is a distinction between what is sin and what is evil for an evil deed does not an evil person make? 
What is sin? Sin is broadly defined as “Missing the Mark” which means we sin every time we fail to hit the bull’s – Eye when we routinely fail to be the very best of which we are capable and with each failure we commit a crime of sorts – against ourselves or others.
If we were designed to be evil we would all be designated that way. 

There are differences before the law in defrauding holding crimes of greater or lesser magnitude. 
But cheating is still cheating and the worst of us do it blatantly, even compulsively. 
Thus we are all sinners to one degree or another but what sets sinners apart from evil cannot be strictly defined by magnitude or the illegality of their deeds. 

It is not their Sins perse that characterize them; rather it’s the subtlety and persistence and consistency of their sins and underlying consistency that distinguishes those of the evil and extremes they will go in order to avoid the consciousness of their own evil financial evils. 

Slave to the shadow
Carl Jung ascribed the root of human evil is refusal to meet the shadow. 

By the shadow Jung meant the part of our mind containing those things that we would rather not own up to, that we are continually trying to hide from ourselves and others and sweep under the rug of our consciousness. 

Most of us when pushed up against the wall by evidence of our own sins, failures or imperfections, will acknowledge our shadow. 

But by his use of the word “REFUSAL,” Jung was implying something far more active.
Those who have “CROSSED OVER THE LINE” that separates Sin from Evil are characterized most by their ABSOLUTE REFUSAL TO TOLERATE A SENSE OF THEIR OWN SINFULLNESS. 

This is because their central defect is not that they have no conscious but they refuse to bear its pain.
In other words, it’s not so much the sin itself but the refusal to acknowledge it that makes it Evil. 
Best thing one can do here is avoid hasty decision making, identify the Devil’s Advocate early on from the get go, then run and never look back. I wish I held the opportunity to follow this. 

Not for Profit: Senior advocacy Life experience, community service edit commentary educational share.
Reference material utilized: M. Scott Peck, M.D.
From the book: The Road less Traveled and Beyond, Spiritual Growth in an Age of Anxiety
No ownership or infringements are sought nor implied in extension of self-help recovery share.