Friday, February 15, 2019

We can and must do better.

Let’s be clear: this border wall obsession is not about sound policy, national security or good governance.

There is a national emergency and it is called the presidency of Donald Trump.

This is about the President’s ego, his brand and his desperate attempt to survive politically.

The old dog-eat-dog United States of America never worked for many people, and it is working for even fewer people now. It’s time to let go.

Make America great again, by developing a new idea of what being American really means.

Saturday, February 2, 2019

Make yourself stronger than your excuses.

The purpose of studying economics is to learn how to avoid being deceived by economists Consider an economy that produced no more goods&services this yr than last yr but doubled amount of money in circulation,You'd have too much money chasing too few goods.

There is a lot misunderstanding around the mechanics of the jobs report. A Better Way To Think About February Jobs Numbers. How Corporate Lobbyists Conquered American Democracy.

Spiritual Warfare: Understanding the Battle. The New Front in the Gerrymandering Wars: Democracy vs. Math. How the Electoral College Rigged the Election for Donald Trump.