Sunday, November 27, 2016

The end will come to state enabled senior protection racketeers in America.

Life-care theorizes based on Illinois most unethical brazen in crass senior economics.

Indeed, it is a sad state in American when Congress allows any Illinois senior - Probate ordered - must redundantly go back to court when public aides do not apply in request of trust; every time a basic need or required special reinforcement may occur during daily living become concurrent way of life.
What scenario suggests through ordered extension’d conduct is Socrates lawyer aided and abetted a major consortium trust conspiracy having commandeered probate to approve within what held group ties - force order such into acceptances.
Forensic of exception’d objection concur in which specifically prerequisite records of coercion in unsound dynamics harmed another, others, or both compass execution of ordered extension’d serves as front in coercion purposes furthered trust invoice exploitation with intent to reserve assets.
Reader’s first clue toward what holds water in fact can be found in which no bank is required by law to accept an order suspicioned to be either unethical in purpose or imperiousness in contention.
Gates of altered avarice are judicially opened annually without concern in which utterly reflect detestable fiduciary things administered by its appointments - harming seniors, are commonly coddled.
From this we can conclude counties judicial system is Far off into left field in observance of model rules, community covenants, or both conclusively forensic its code; while extension’d conducts (dug into) reinforce its creed as portrayed in redundant unethical walls discounted element rules properly evidenced combined with immoral appointments concurrently pursued  idolized avarice in sameness. Common denominator being avarice not only compass overall states character but Governors leadership fitness are best closely public scrutinized if completion of term serves community wellbeing.
Through this another good point comes to mind factoring in Illinois avarice before reverse mortgaging under unstable environment.
First thing on any privatized guardians task list is liquidation of property into gross cash in bank reserve.
Avarice as natural pikers in industry do not desire asset partners cutting into their pie.
So from criminal minded standpoints, it becomes much more lucrative for privatized guardianship's to have commandeered assets already liquidated then subsequently have owner(s) probate disabled through Socrates lawyers succession’d in motioned totally at disabled expense into nursing homes, inner circle known to provision under the table payola's for added business, and kick ups for additional concessions sanctioned and let the government and general taxpayers absorb all the rest to include related fees involved to recirculate owners real estate AKA as form of reversed pyramid scheme -scam.
Some readers may be thinking; impossible, too farfetched in science fiction to ever become a recognized reality in the good old USA under god - but is it? 
The series Twilight Zone beginning around 1959 aired many a story that became reality, so if one were to factor in Illinois most current and historical criminal history as toddling Sin town could such Evil suggested be that impossible in a land drowning in its own Avarice? 
Reference: Ezekiel 8:8 – Holy Bible New International Version.
Using Spiritual handbooks benefit community at large through small groups unified under God.
Handbooks provide user friendly ways in helping people righteously attend to all scriptures that forensic require assistance through studies led by community facilitators and disciple leadership rotations from meeting to meeting - help decide which way best responds to scriptures questioned meets covenant concerns.
Each group initially takes their time with each discipline; pays attention to God-given desires and desperation's, while desire always focuses discipline first.
Reflection questions are always designated to bring up authentic dialogue with God in prayer.
Spiritual exercises recognize various ways proven effective become unstuck through proper disciplines.
Practice makes perfect, reveal levels of discipline in God every time space is made in overwhelmed and preoccupied lives do not master one off course upholds the trinity.
Reference: Spiritual disciplines Handbook – Practices That Transform Us.
So, while it is hard for seniors to be jolly in systems plagued in Avarice follies, all who still recognize Christ have a friend under God that cannot be taken away by any mere mortal.
Masked pseudo states promoting underworld origin’d conducts among its rank and file - left undisciplined/Punished - messages to the world Americas integrity- unified in nation – conducted accordingly in which are universal among its citizenry.
So simply put; these unpunished states not only translate to other nations - Congress was asleep while Driving - behind the wheel: under God as guised fallacy is full of dishonorable Dens of thieves that should not be trusted, treated accordingly, but always take their money with no strings attached.
So natural question now becomes; if these states dishonor national reputations abroad - why are they not Home Security mandated by congress as top Propriety in national security?
Hint: even the lowest in third worlds do not respect countries that abuse its seniors for personal profits.
Carl Jung ascribed the Root of Human Evil to “The Refusal to meet the Shadow” by “the shadow” Jung meant the part of minds containing those things would rather no own up to that are continually trying to hide form ourselves and others swept under Rugs of Consciousness.
Fact: no politico walks around so unhealthy that they are not at least slightly conscious.
Why do many still view scenarios as new when in reality are very old in static concepts – simple, once doors are opened to modern everything within become new to those never required to live, whiteness nor contend with it benefiting another in need, more the reason why easily influenced adolescents at helm steerage need to be directly under experienced master statesmen’s supervision and guidance.
We already have more than enough Devils advocates than known what to do with let alone put down so why produce more we cannot afford passed to future generations forever cursing 2016 as most immoral bastards of the century? 
Karl Jung is accredited with translating for the masses and his reoccurred popularity has a great deal to do with needed publications being presented at just the right time turned tides.           
The Moral man, said Freud, “is not he who is never tempted” but he who can resist his temptations.”
Under God and document those nine men in Washington are always talking about: life-care movement commentary is based upon updated status in yesteryear that forensic gluttony has returned for more.
An ordered accountability partner’s first loyalty is fiducially toward its intended not agendas of others.
Giving a name to something implies a degree of mastery over people of the Lie: Golden goals neither include becoming walking encyclopedias in fiduciary properness nor self-contained self-sufficient preventative crime labs as trust police babysitters.
Movement is a grass root - not for profit senior community service effort - that shares experiences promoting better educational awareness through effective communications.
You do have a voice and a choice and Life-care movement cares about continual senior perseverance.
Senior America says 'NO' to endless Politico stormy Mondays.
We thank Authors Karl Menninger, M.D – M. Scott Peck M.D plus providing Chicago College of Psychology and community libraries in conjunction with local ministries faith resource center for sharing their intuitiveness as valued resource enabling the average Simpleton of educational idiot’s status to successfully navigate through actuated complexities that unethically vantage seniors into Hell’s two tiered biased kitchen in one sided injustice.
True Freedom rarely comes free but is worth fighting for securing family values positively passed on that ensure evolution equally enjoys the security in no other can unduly write another’s epitaph nor subsequently invoice encroached capital gains that elude justice - in Jesus Name under God.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Do avarice consortium's freeze base hoarder concepts through law, under the law allows strategically extension’d?

Life-care studies the turn coat bank officer’s role as industry Judas in membership of the unwritten consortium contract whose task is to maintain code in semi legalized states meet invoice intentioned creed secured through oppression points reserves gross toward group gain goals.
Acute emergency situation bring rise as “Chronic Emergency” state which get much worse than better.
Extensions secured in order provide the narcissist banker avenues to write their own avarice tickets.
Forced Devises such as “Total Investment Charge” additionally extend feedings of additional asset partner Pigs exotic commissions influenced by lucrative bird dog kickbacks for concession.
Seniors as second class citizens are forced to accept these realities against ethical codes in conduct and adopt such as permanent feature of the personality in avarice based management as normalcy.
Under documents those nine men in Washington are always talking about within speak of Idiosyncrasies and peculiarity characteristics violating rights are Taboo’s while remaining under God unified in nation.
Alive alone and still unbroken as rider of devils storms.
States like Illinois deliberate maintaining under god concepts like a card table; one conscious minority player hesitates, deliberates, and oscillates over every bid and sometimes every play while majority unconsciousness throws each card upon the table as if in rage while others within rank and file talk continuously during play in which reality is only talking to self serves as concentration distraction front to minority player or another words fixed cheaters game strategy in agenda monopolizes table rather than playing a straight integral game.
From this we can gleam hints about how majority of legislation's passed held same environment card table yielded negative impacts on “We the Peoples” lives not present in public trust. 
Illustration or incorporation's of ordered devises as permanent feature of charter structure is a much more serious matter.
The reactions of majority unprofessional players ethically forensic devises used intentionally motivated to derail under god served arterial motives compass redundant irresponsible expensive expenses, generally slightly dereistic. 
Hence permanent employments by egos become heavy taxpayer or senior liabilities.
Packaged ethnicity integrally reflect fire extinguishers picked up by janitor’s in expectancy such are adequate enough to extinguish major threatening blazes reserves water to scrub floors.
Another good metaphor may be politicos broke their legs and had casts applied, and continued to wear the cast or use crutches or both indefinitely afterword’s even though the bones have healed.
Public consequence; we retain these scars of battles, sometimes we know about them but majority of times we don’t concealed in bowls of locked injustice halls.
Like the pearl formed by an oyster: transparency of unethical pearls having violated public trust highly prized more than the oyster - become intruding irritants to that oyster.
Take the money state in the union.
Elitist Avarice Politicos view general taxpayers no better than Hibitionistic talents of clowns in which only exist to amuse its crowd by submitting to slapping themselves silly.
Making general public maladjusted is commonly highly prized by narcissistic consortium politico communities that despise outside world equality.
Ego’s cross jumping the soul become oblivious or indifferent to distressing consequences tabled by outsiders cherished within.
Like Evil - narcissistic practitioner monsters of so frightful “Mein” as to be tabooed needs but be seen;
Avarice as face yet seen too often, familiar with her face, “We the People” under the law allows are made to endure while they embrace.  
From fundamental poem readers can forensic for selves all sorts of eccentricities, perversities, private rituals, irregular pleasures, secret phobias, and unlovable traits practiced daily by elitist Politicos believing they have special hides that must be saved accumulated in various patterns of crystallized chronicity of maladjustment's within party theologies.
We may identify some elects during term to be characteristically contrary under god as misers, bullies, fiduciary sissy, liars in fussbudgets or other designations based on accepted party symptoms.
This name calling fundamentally is actually a kind of psychiatric diagnoses that never implies illness rather party acceptance of the traits (symptoms) by subject taken for granted and abused.
The sad part of any party failure will always be poor parenting having allowed dunce corner quality constituents in which discipline is never enemy of any contention under God discourage individuals of bright star potential in for all right reasoning’s to blossom while entrenched in unethical promoters of  mechanized robot thinking believe - nothing can be done about them, that they must “Learn to live with it” bear their cross if career is to hold staying power in privilege as referenced in card table game.
As readers know from earlier discussion, these devises always express directly some thinly veiled aggression and some distorted form of avarice.
As Alexander of Rome clearly expressed; if one has sufficient money they can indulge in behavior with impunity that land populists in jail as criminals.
By nature unless sanctioned under the law allows characteristically rich “Eccentrics” make poor criminals unless participated in fixed lobbied table games in which by redundancy common denominate intentional countercultural aggression's stood contrary under god and to some traitors of nation.
Banking Vice Presidents afflicted with consortium associates walk into church on Sunday and on Monday conspires with board of directors and chairman alike in fine arts of devising better ways to defraud its customer base and if applies government as well.
Time to get away from fixed avarice.
What this all means is learned conducts start at the top of spectrum's that trickle down to its ordained adolescents. So if it’s done at public level it must surely exist at much higher levels in state government.
New names guise foundations in La Cosa Nostra of old pattern professional America’s pseudo society.
Unlike old school discipline upholding code; all sorts of new school unbridled behavior reflect queer picture patterns in landscape portrait, in these pictures behaviors reflect no respect in any family value are sacred nor fear of discipline if crosses well over any oath’d line.
Simplest way topically put: “We the people” as “Don” must make clear to street boss lieutenant elects  you will be expelled from council table if turf  “Capos” cannot  keep their made men in code line or retain adolescent soldiers not cutting creed mustard's socially camouflaged.
Para Military scenario will be understood as peaceful dishonorable discharge of problematic offenders, benefits revoked, black booked from further service as none violence version associated in mythology.
Reference: The Vital Balance – The Life Process in Mental Health and Illness.
Where does science fit into the scheme of things surrounding God?
Scientific geniuses, including Carl Jung and Albert Einstein, are among those who have left the world a Legacy through their works, which advanced the search for meaning in life and understandings of the universe. And both made personal proclamations that their scientific inquires had led them to believe that indeed God is real.
Materialists are those who are highly secular require proof in the form of visible evidence, basically they live by central belief reality is only what the five senses can detect or simply their motto is What you see is only what you get hold no God factors as Big bang theory.
Secularism as fundamental of materialism characteristically runs opposite of sacred consciousness.
There are no valid reasons for any to subsidize schemed avarice even if fixed in game.
Secularist consciousness essentially thinks that they are the center of the universe which is basically narcissism while sacred conscious rarely become lost in centrality galaxies of meaningless insignificance.
They recognize that they are not the center of the universe for them their center resides elsewhere, specifically god based in the sacred. Traditionally they are less likely to feel insignificant or meaningless because they see themselves existing in relationship with the sacred other; and it is from the relationship that he or she derives their meaning and significance's.
Traveling with God
Life-care has suggested many reasons for under God to grow back in God consciousness.
We need to become conscious once again if we expect to continual receiving graced continuum's.
To save ourselves from going under by avarice Evils we can no longer afford to short cut the good under God confused in what being sought sustains overall economy.
Fact: The more conscious we become the more we grow in competence power in which can only thrust whole toward positive evolution hold reality that no future generation will curse its prior generation.
Simplistic thinking throughout sociology have devastated many a mighty society while Latin derivative of the very word ‘Consciousness’ answer why many of those kings men and kings courts no longer exist.
Our Reagan national bible as additional case in point reference holds abundances of stories dating back to mosses concerning unethical speakers in law, in the end bowed down in recognition of a power greater than all - God and ordained watchmen disciples of the wall.
System Psychological disorders always root at the top in which what Bible is followed Avarices or Gods.
Societal conflicts will remain as long as minds refuse to deal with its created realities.
When politicos learn to be less secular and endure as adults unpleasant stuff such much needed pay cuts and compensation ceilings - then gardens of delight will be abundantly felt by general taxpayers.
Fiduciaries need to learn how to journey wisdom's of the Spirit that knock on proper doors that will be opened to them as stewards under God in the lord possess his mind in which shows them the way in which no cocktailed event or behind closed door session can ever reveal.
What is needed are psychospiritual fit statesmen have to lead the pack having developed real time consciousness opens itself to recognize unconscious potentials congruent with the mind of God.
When new truths are realized mistakes of yesteryear tend not to Pete Repeat under new title.
They know what “We the People” have known all along and thrust such in gods wisdom that shares.
In country Boys always survive.
Poisoning of impressionable minds suggesting avarice is the key to all futures implying god is no longer the Good Guy is not only wrong but these Politicos and Captains of industry alike contrary under God should be viewed as Benedict Arnold's of national solvency and disciplined accordingly.
Reference: The Road Less Traveled and Beyond – Spiritual Growth in an Age of Anxiety.
Do spoiled America professionals and politico’s alike need to relearn proper worship conducted under God.
The simple truth is while everybody looks to something or someone to give their lives meaning some indeed righteously belong in dunce corners.
Proper parental worship reveals to these impressionable minds something or someone under God as valued role model – mentor of strong souls should be highly sought after.
Government needs to begin reflecting by example to the people what we love and adore and focus on forms us into the people we become free of avarice tendencies.
National benefit: Others begin pouring out time and energy better spent that reflect totems of power united under God produce; approval, success and happiness throughout the land of the brave and home of the free and yes can be this simple if applied correctly in God.
Populists will begin looking forward to getting up in the morning in what can be contributed today.
Jesus once suggested: people can focus on closing business deals while their heart remains in synagogue. These people honor me with their power of chastity in response to the spirit.
May all seniors run free as the bird under god.
Fact: True worship of God only happens when under God demonstrates God first in their lives in which all else is simply lip service to appease selves and others.
When what God says matters more than cluttered in nothingness; discipline, willpower, giftedness, will begin to reflect above all else one values God’s word and could do the same things that Jesus did, heal and perform miracles benefited others expectant in no reward or recognition as demon slayer.
If worship does nothing else, it helps masses discover things that are important and real worship transforms lives for the better.
In conclusion while some saint Michael's will always exist as vital balance of the trinity rest of flock can concentrate on its beauty and loveliness while everything else of horizons take its proper secondary place, above and before all other good things that remain “Pearl” of great price, the king of all Kings and the Lord of all lords in Jesus name Amen.
Reference: Spiritual Disciplines Handbook – Practices that Transform Us.
The inappropriateness of modern designations can only be diagnosed when roots of avarice are accurately understood in which radical changes guised understanding. 
Master Avarice clinicians know this; there have been many efforts made to correct engineered difficulties by announcing what are guised under new labels actually serve to illustrate.
When ethics are allowed to fall by the wayside as fleeing memory survival of the fittest become reality.
Redundancy in forensic facto may compass intentional conspiracy was virtue in destination all along.
Willingness to unethically do whatever it takes become the psychoneurosis when called into valid moral question in which many times will react in Hysteria having offended the devil himself.
Redundant Inaction marquee ego’s not fit to further serve that are afraid of their own shadows concerning what permits them to discharge ethical moral justice.
Integrity as virtue in an age of full of engineered anxiety must take those bulls by the horn in which penalize the American public in unsound gains or career retention's wasting taxpayer dollars.
Indoctrination's into key positions of office in true Psychospiritual statesmen - processors of the Soul of God under God is best overall national defense in which societal can only positively evolution.
Join party train that last in which all are always welcome.
Criminal minded Narcissistic’s present greatest national threat in problematic attitudes that dispense violates that damage others through tactically discriminate, oppress, denials of same rights and opportunities of access to valued sources.
Carl Jung ascribed the Root of Human Evil to “The Refusal to meet the Shadow” by “the shadow” Jung meant the part of minds contains those things would rather no own up to that are continually trying to hide form ourselves and others swept under Rugs of Consciousness.
Fact: no politico walks around so unhealthy that they are not at least slightly conscious.
Why do many still view scenarios as new when in reality are very old in static concepts – simple, once doors are opened to modern everything within become new to those never required to live, whiteness nor contend with it benefiting another in need, more the reason why easily influenced adolescents at helm steerage need to be directly under experienced master statesmen’s supervision and guidance.
We already have more than enough Devils advocates than known what to do with let alone put down so why produce more in which we cannot afford and future generations will curse prior existence?
Low riders will always ride higher irregardless if government lays dormant only out for selves.
Giving a name to something implies a degree of mastery over people of the Lie: Golden goals neither include becoming walking encyclopedias in fiduciary proneness nor self-contained self-sufficient preventative crime labs as trust police babysitters.
Karl Jung is accredited with translating for the masses and his reoccurred popularity has a great deal to do with needed publications being presented at just the right time turned tides.            
The Moral man, said Freud, “is not he who is never tempted” but he who can resist his temptations.”
Under God and document those nine men in Washington are always talking about: life-care movement commentary is based upon updated status in yesteryear that forensic gluttony has returned for more.
An ordered accountability partner’s first loyalty is fiducially toward its intended not agendas of others.
Movement is a grass root - not for profit senior community service effort - that shares experiences promoting better educational awareness through effective communications.
You do have a voice and a choice and Life-care movement cares about continual senior perseverance.
True Red, White and Blue reside with its people not according to corporate america.
We thank Authors Karl Menninger, M.D – M. Scott Peck M.D and Adele Calhoun plus providing Chicago College of Psychology and community libraries in conjunction with local ministries faith resource center for sharing their intuitiveness as valued resource enabling the average Simpleton of educational idiot’s status to successfully navigate through actuated complexities that unethically vantage seniors into Hell’s two tiered biased kitchen in one sided injustice.
True Freedom rarely comes free but is worth fighting for securing family values positively passed on that ensure evolution equally enjoys the security in no other can unduly write another’s epitaph nor subsequently invoice encroached capital gains that elude justice - in Jesus Name under God.