
Saturday, April 30, 2016

Trustee needs to uphold credential status - as system rock star.

Death of In- living trust has become the Aquarian conspiracy in contention; Trustee will never remain as system rock star - your carefree happy dance days are declared over. 

My plight solely exits due to hearted trust preservations that stood contrary under modern code contract ethics - as club Twain’D outsider - yet after five years- I still remain contender not to be discounted nor taken lightly during tournaments.
I continue to place club In check of all games played - even now escalated into probate alleged holding inabilities of concern though routinely demonstrated otherwise that even Gomer Pyle himself can comprehensively understand minus assistance while the blind can clearly see. 
I am sure you will agree; there are no competence lacks here requiring guardianship?
Perhaps care accuser while representing ownership interests are hypocritical by assorted submissions and what civil law suits are made of just waiting for the right person to pursue?

Perhaps I am that One? 
Recapping back: escalated incivility road signs-while traveling through the desert brought me back to religion.
I was unable to further stomach (undeserved) hypocritical {premeditative} probate appointee fiduciary imperiousness against ward of means. 

Cults such of these sorts are prevalent by monetary popularity and they go under the name of New Age care movement. 
Many citizen outsiders are confused by the movement while frequently asking whether it is a force for the good or not?  I for self-have only witnessed the not. 
To answer this question, let us pose another: Is the New Age care Movement- a force for civil Integration or for uncivil Separations? 

Many senior populists UN-admirably question whether new age care movement really exists or somewhat mis-titled, since the kind of things people of the new age care movement best represent have been around forever retitled dating back to John the Baptist.
New age care movement best represents monetary pressures of the day and why boomers need indoctrination of {Life-care act} as generational integral preserver against {MOB} styled financial intrusion. 

New aged influence contrary under old school integrity proposes {Life-Care Act} movement; is counter reaction toward institutional national sins abroad. 
Sins tend to be interrelated, so even though we may discuss them simply, keep in mind that they do exist in conjunction with one another. 

Modern age Western sin care; best defined holds emptiness within arrogant spirits (Narcissistic’s) and monetary blasphemy under god- in which we stand. 
The New Age care movement from {Life-Care Act} perspectives; are monetarily enticed under legion ethics by demonstrates suggestive within beliefs that incorporate in extraordinary Hodge-Podge capitalisms that are esoteric ideals holding almost endless list of unfathomable notions. 

Counter New age movement {Life-Care act} is a reaction against sins of Malignant Capitalists, the Sins of dysfunctional imperialists and exploitation of senior populists to be real Sin in contention.   
It moves away from radical exploitation toward civility, away from unethical diversity into states of integral tolerance, back from true living dead balanced under light of God consciousness.

What will be established within care act are {No Bully Zones} guised under the law allows as true unbiased  advocacy functionality that is of generation - for generation as guardian angel voice against privatized imperiousness tyrannies as all will eventually arrive while becoming frail as well dependent upon another to fend off wolf packs of unsavory contentions.

Ideal is based upon own sister who never stood up for her own mother against blatant fiduciary improperness’s holding malignant none observance under declarations within In Living Trust.

Attitude highly suggests as demonstrated good buddy of guardian escapades - both on same page concerning inexcusable inheritance based greed’s solely at trust intender expense which is by submissions joint subtle forms well within senior financial exploitation.
Life-Care act- foresees as equalizer within what are commonly judicially missed for one reason or another holding aloof feelings thereafter. 

New age care movement intrusive lowering’s of financial obtainment bar qualifiers has gone to unsound extremes.  It has created radical band of thugs that can not only be distinctly unpleasant to deal with but unsettling within rudeness incivility as well that are by no means silly at times. 
This is serious business that does become quite brutal if one does not fall into line within. 
How can I insinuates this: easy- by disproportional distributions reflective in 1/3 gross of conglomerate invoicing while further handicapped through denials that are administratively problematic within willingness contrary to In-Living Trust to further extend violations that discriminate, exploit, oppress and denies same rights and access to valued sources. 
It is what it is evidenced yet probate continues to ignore while favoring -resembling in many ways mothers ward case of yesteryears by same proportions. 
Only difference- I’m not in my upper 80’s, have resource of public communicating access -while still holding on to what little Spunk graced by God is left. God does favor the dedicated underdog. 
Some may say; why bother -just go along- make it easier on self – can’t, as further enablement’s wrong answer. 
Situational buck threatens while demonstrating overall losses of freedom may never end that must stop somewhere, and so why not here- now- while still can? 
That’s crazy one says: then explain to me why within system declared otherwise In-Living trust since 2014 holds no progress nor end in sight that even reputable- regulated intuitions want no part of repeatedly evidenced? 
Then the intuitive independent thinker steps in and says: sounds like there trying to sell unsalable goods while attempting to get out of responsibilities within utilizing justice system and attorney cohesion? 
Only one true answer under god lye’s here: You are the Judge within what holds water?  

In conclusion as best guess:  evidences hold supermarket style privatized confusion has been further mixture confused by design while utilized as excuse to run away from responsibilities. 
There are a lot of unbridled hassles within privatized summoning of probate divorce court demanding beneficiary sacrifice self at every turn demonstrating all alternate ethical decisions discarded simply because they twitch cohesions - Maya.

Not for profit senior community service situational education share.
Promoting better awareness’s through effective god based communications. 
Story line edit rewrites based within - Referenced Books: 
People of the Lie –The hope for healing Human Evil.
The Road Less Traveled and Beyond – Spiritual Growth in an Age of Anxiety.
Further Along The Road Less Traveled.
Author: M. Scott Peck, M.D.
No ownership or infringements are sought nor implied in extension of self-help recovery share.

We thank Dr. Peck for sharing his intuitive wisdom enabling one to fight the good fight against Narcissistic evils and all destructions that come within the territory; in Jesus name.

Friday, April 29, 2016

How did In- living trust evolve away from under God?

Trust document in self- from legal perspectives: does not warrant state jurisdiction over nor allows trustee ability to amend- which remains personal to original owner. 
As language’d; declarations in intent are specific to - while fiduciary responsibility holding clarities well  defined. 
So, what happened for trust to fall further away from - under god
Unjust retention in assets- promoting unsound fee elongation during collections process evolved back to probate under false trustee claim utilizing medical holding intent to further fiducially elude and decant in living trust that best served arterial motives while furthering  invoice potentials. 

Another words: Trustee desire to win over beneficiary now require duel Trust Busting chess tournament!

We hold pinioned unethical Law Group by submissions {fiducially} in responsibleness within trustee actions/inactions in all estate affairs as ‘enabler’ promoting criminal based theologies while ignoring all responsibilities wherein as sworn officer/ambassador of the court Barr association members. 

Unacceptable conduct - contrary toward oath {observance} at minimum warrant: extensive A.R.D.C investigation - licensee reviews and probable disciplinary suspicions from further practice in justices name under god and country. 

As a Country: if we further allow law group profiteers-{Mob} allowances that supersede under god and country; then within every populist rights violation holds another one of our national symbols feather plucked to further feather independent nests till all are gone while are symbol stands totally bald- holding no further recognition abroad as enablers in Genesis Three- traitors to selves while Bible-New international version supplies all the rest that will follow. 

Fortunately I am still able to hang in here against rather depressing popular opinions.  
Independent greed based desires to win every chess games contrary to under god is the enemy within of contention that threatens national security at all levels. 
Competitiveness that alienates- is a serious part of problematic behavioral patterns that in themselves directly threaten- indivisible under God in which we stand clearly demonstrating inability to modify patterns. 

Utilizing study role model in example but not limited too is further pinioned abroad to be of legion proportion. 
Desire to win at games is not the problem – desires to win at parenting is paramount problem abroad.
We need to move away from {childlike} gamer specializers while advancing forward through fundamentals time tested holding Mature Mental Health demands the ability to be integrally flexible.    
We must relearn how to be able to continually strike – and re-strike – a delicate balance among conflicting needs, goals, duties, and responsibility. 
The essence of this ‘Discipline’ of balancing is unlearning and “Giving up” something in ourselves in order to consider New Information

Stagnation {due to new information that further violates by order in state statute} appears to be inflexibility stance in order to ‘AVOID’ pains of giving up parts of selves are understandable through criminal based theologies given the depth of emotional pain that may be involved in doing so!

For public record: I did offer to correct all imperiousness within that all could equitably live with? 

What’s highly suggestive through opposition silence:  medial study model neurosis contains personality traits that entail giving up personality traits undesired, well- established, counseled patterns of behavior, ideology and even whole lifestyles, holding pain of excruciating proportion.   
Clinical Narcissistic’s from medical perspectives: typically cannot face their own shadows in creation. Such has no business holding any form of authoritativeness neither over others nor another!
As Boomers we are last generation of movers and shakers within our forefather’s spirit.
As citizens we hold civic responsibility in confronting political tyrannies like Vietnam that are all for the wrong reasons.
Proposed :{ LIFE – Care act} meets our responsibility not only toward selves but serves as acting deterrent that will spare out children and future generations to come.
Act simply states: “Hell no- we will not be intrusively medically taken!”

Giving ups are required: if one is to travel very far on freedoms life journey – holdings of ever increasing maturity maintaining Spiritual Growths are prerequisite within that are primarily what under God and county stand for and are all about.
Many unfortunates seem to have forgotten- for one reason or another and why God’s Marines still exist for thou purpose, he has not given up on us yet!

Within any fear is feeling of being left empty: let me wholeheartedly concur as watchmen loss of freedoms hold greatest emptiness’s known to man.  
Change through Life-Care act represents: righteous deaths in self-seeking old ways - making room for Birth of New ones under God, time tested and where all naturally belongs. 
We cannot emphasize enough how important this stage of process is toward unlearning and new Learnings that are routinely gone thorough- not only by individuals but by groups even entire nations as well. 

Like Vietnam we cannot bargain our way out from- under God, we either remain or we do not. 

Back in time we generally failed to do the work involved holding little evidence that we learned any lesson as a result. 
Natural question in retrospect to medical study; do we still not really get it? 

To learn something new we have to empty ourselves of the old; congress is encouraged to fully recognize senate bill necessity within judicial criminal reforms include all white collar forms as well!
Emptiness is one of the stages of COMMUNITY-MAKING. 
It is a period when a group commits itself to leaning- which is also to commit itself to unlearning that which is obstructed and Unworkable. 

Though we may go through pain collectively -that feels will last forever, cycle of Life always allows opportunity for Renewal. 
Hope is the foundation of rebirthing; so when worked thoroughly stages of depression gradually transgress into positive forms of acceptance.  Our generational vantage point is no fear in hard work. 

Act will most likely face opposition collectively- while testing endurance within. 

Good generalship always recognizes well within before actual storm hits. 
Like any troubled marriage- first thing that will transpire will be tendency to deny differences fallen out of.
Next; angers will emerge toward being different from the rest as independent thinkers. 

Realization within no way to change now summons bargaining in some manor or another designed to further test independent thinker’s stability. 
But if we hang in there- as force of reckoning not to be taken lightly: relationships will emerge within mutual respect that are better and even appear to partake of Glory. 
No long term relationship can ever be expectant - smooth sailing all the way is primarily illusion that must be overcome as generation if we are to remain solvent and survive –passing’s on of legacies. 

What generation will learn while up to bat can be passed positively on – that triumphs – can be achieved against one sided popular opinion despite all the ups and downs – through the death of negative impact illusions and the rebirths of “TRUST” leading toward positive envisioned acceptance. 
You cannot gain positive generational acceptance- when lower generations are left unbridled to do as it pleases well witnessed as motivator behind creation of Life-Care act. 

In summary: we must discard “Old Tapes” of manipulative ways in profits while experimenting with “New Tapes.” New tapes will certainly discard comfortable old shoes, but learning is an adventure. 
Boomers must reacquire tastes for it like days of yesteryear concerning the thrills within the adventure of the unknowns, as I remember can be quite stimulating like learning to ride a bike. 
We won’t always know how to get there - but that’s the stimulating mystique behind the ride. 
Only through adventure can one hope to learn much of significance while exposed to the new and unexpected as greatest adventures in life. 

God did not create humanity for comfort - he created us for greatness. 
Otherwise we would all be individualized sheep herded in flock. 
I seem to be able to directly relate to this; but cynically cannot quite put my finger on this at present time? 

Not for profit senior community service situational education share.
Promoting better awareness’s through effective god based communications. 
Story line edit rewrites based within - Referenced Books: 
People of the Lie – the hope for healing Human Evil
The Road Less Traveled and Beyond – Spiritual Growth in an Age of Anxiety
Author: M. Scott Peck, M.D.

No ownership or infringements are sought nor implied in extension of self-help recovery share.

We thank Dr. Peck for sharing his intuitive wisdom enabling one to fight the good fight against Narcissistic evils and all destructions that come within the territory; in Jesus name.

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Congressional Senate hearings in concern are publicly requested of Illinois law group.

On behalf of Illinois seniors ‘We’ the people formally proclaim suspicioned beyond reasonable doubt in existence of protection consortium racket acting on behalf of Chicago based law firm as front for cell racketeering operations. 

As tax paying citizens under God; we further request of under mandate by congress of Secret Service Investigative state side query conducted. 

We will base all preliminary fundamental suspicions upon the book -The road less traveled and beyond – Spiritual growth in an age of Anxiety. 

Chapter One: Thinking page 39 (topic) Common Criminal Thinking. 
If we are to be honest with ourselves as evidenced parties have engaged in ‘Criminal Thinking’ which is form of disordered thinking under God as well as community covenants. 
Though the bulk of critical theory behind disordered thinking is primarily based upon the incarcerated if we are to be honest with ourselves there is a thin line that separates behind bars and the rest of us. 
Most research on criminal thinking underscores the most common patterns of Irrational thinking that lead toward disordered judicial decisions. 
Common disordered patterns from criminal law puzzle jury perspectives are not so much convoluted as ‘Simplistic’ and One Dimensional. 
Firms that think this way do not take responsibility for their choices. 
They maintain lacks of Perspective while practicing in the present without investing in the future or taking into account the consequences of practice actions. 

One aspect of criminal thinking pattern that stands out most is attitude of Ownership over rights. 
Other words can be referred as malignant sense of entitlement contrary under God and country.  
Inherent in this attitude is a Cockiness that borders as medical role model within Blatant Narcissism. 

Those with extreme sense of ‘Entitlement’ are able to “Justify” violating other People or their Property without regard to their Rights. 
All failure within reverts back to none observance under god while hypocritical member of Barr association which are Unacceptable under any standard! 
Guilt primarily lies within negligence’s in considering alternative ways while failing to think well. 

Medical study under suspicion from criminal law puzzle perspective further suggests; existence of politically assured simplistic “titlist’ thinking reflective within superiority complex neurosis in partaking’s under indiscriminate psychosis of mindset not limited to: due anything that is desired even if getting it means taking or unduly labeling another and become quite offended by any private citizen who stands up for one’s own rights wanting best for selves as well. 

Thinking of this sort becomes ‘Problematic’ when a licensed Law Group (suspicioned) politically consortium backed is willing to violate community by DISCRIMINATION, EXPLOITATION, OPPRESSION THAT DENIES SAME ‘RIGHTS’OPPORTUNITIES AND ACCESS TOWARD VALUED SOURCES

Anti-senior terrorist consortium is being judicially enabled to grow in our own back yard.
They must be stopped under; don’t raise more state devils of tyranny than federal government can moot back under God as indivisible nation of the people – for the people in which it stands. 
Under God is calling for immediate processes to begin toward moral restorations that are ethical by submission benefiting general public and community at large – Enough. 

The common problematic denominator here is failing to think well under God or at all while conveniently forgetting all responsibilities under oath as officer/ambassadors of the court by attitude suggests Oaths no longer hold sequential meaning under Cash-man code of the unwritten contract. 

Agency obtained tax dollars under public trust are to protect and benefit the general Public: 
So on behalf of self, In Living Trusts and seniors at large; we write as well as Blog because it is pinioned necessary while further questioning why protests in object are required in the first place? 

Toward Public record for the record: In Living trust as beneficiary stipulates no probate, consortium by misapplication busted trust into probate via medical now making me of second class citizen status contrary to medical certified opinion from legal perspective. 

While normal probate costs are around 40k, I am required under 18th judicial to assume all costs within to include motions to compel guardianship/trustee attorney fees approaching deficit of over 100K.
I am being further judicially compromised through objected appointment of county administrator as successor trustee holding all relevancy within 2012 p 893.
Rights are being further A.R.D.C commission and civil rights violated through suspicioned improper Coercion through illusionary silence that betray oaths best serving  attorney fee oriented agenda.
Established coercion now further suggests within- criminal law perspectives: while intentional handicapping of communications toward further illusions exist they only serve present band aide fix. The real problem in concern while existent all along is how to whitewash through Final trust accounting Holding probable trustee imperiousness’s and substantial deficit while walking away free of all sin while sweeping all under the carpet preserving additional rainy days cast upon another.

By judicial none recognition of certified medial opinion from legal perspective alone, along with inner political coercions of every conceivable civil rights violation known to man this case qualifies major league while many players whether past or present more than qualify toward Grand Jury nominations  and select indoctrinated into hall of shame fame and law books under precedents.  

I may not be able to save self, but can certainly take what I have learned 
 as seasoned veteran of all storms and turn this Positively around 
Though disciplined affirmative actions. 
Some of our nation’s greatest grass root accomplishments 
were conceived through Volunteerism's. 

Though may not live to see it.
I envision  grass root effort will grow in spirit of
 Clearance Darrow while impacting with the efficiency of  Nader's - Raiders.
Eventual formation of Not for profit agency specifically designed will emerge 
Guardian watchdog group protecting against tyrannies of man in greeds name. 
Not for profit senior community service situational education share.
Promoting better awareness’s through effective god based communications. 
Story line combined edit rewrites of Reference: 
People of the Lie – the hope for healing Human Evil 
The Road Less Traveled and Beyond – Spiritual Growth in an Age of Anxiety.
Author: M. Scott Peck, M.D.
No ownership or infringements are sought nor implied 
in extension of self-help recovery share.

We thank Dr. Peck for sharing his intuitive under God 
Lecture series and practice accrued wisdoms 
enabling another to fight the good fight 
against Greed based narcissistic evils 
 destructions within that lead to Hell.


Tuesday, April 19, 2016

It is a terrifying thing to fall into the hands of the living county guardian’s office God.

Special Needs Trust (intrusive Harsh that violates civil rights) 
Though decanting of original in –Living Trust was highly protested while settlement replacement Special Needs Trust objected as language’d confirmed (intrusive Harsh that violates civil rights) by neuropsychological medical report from admissible legal perspective entered holding standalone bench acceptance to date, as bench did to my mother they now cast upon me now require out of state jurisdiction relocation asylum toward correction in justices name due to the following.

As I have said many times before as extensive veteran whiteness (now) victim: county probate demonstrates pro inner circle bias while practicing unethical one sided bi- partisanship toward respondents by medical opinion or otherwise. 
As 18th judicial demonstrated favoritism in appointment -over ward (2012 P 893’s) evidenced fiduciary negligence’d- multiple incidents by state violation residency reports that confirm both senior services,  county ombudsmen office negligence’s of responsibility within contributing toward  ward  physical declines and  overall ward wellbeing compromised in retrospect to declaration of IN Living Trust.
Appointed guardian- now trustee; was never disciplined then and even now holding 18th judicial replacements.
County System continues to model; Politics of behind closed door- under unwritten contract rule- not open to general public resembling third world oppressive regime theologies. 
This now explains why many ethical county based law groups shy away from experienced system veteran due representation preferring novice blind faith lay downs as clients. 
I was once former attorney commented “you can’t win” suggestive in just go with the flow. 
Going with the flow while ignoring citizenship responsibility is how this system became malignant in the first place.
Human nature left unrestricted especially holding no fear in consequence will always fly toward left field. “Win “under integrities flag hold different meanings to different people and sometimes exceptions to rule miraculously immerse serving as “Red Flag” not under God and abuser of Jesus. 
By our storyline alone, Jesus has been repeatedly re- crucified over course of 5 years for us by same Pontius Pilots of biblical proportion as illustrated in the Bible while unlike peter asked three times we remain faithful in trust and why I remain as graced watchmen, under God says enough. 
I may not succeed as sacrifice also; but we can somewhat ensure tyranny ends here while others are spared. 
If accomplished as Gods Marine holding journaled promise; I now must disagree within attorney advisement concerning what not only integral Win represents but should look like as well. 

State Denial of the Soul numerously pointed out.

“Denial of the Soul” represents Devil’s advocate vocation of choice. 

In Denial of the Soul numerously pointed out, with many qualifications holding absolute, plaintiff actions were neither about justice nor courage, but of the most questionable Hubris. 

The reason behind harsh deserved assessment is that respondents are intrusively illusion’d out while stripped of all moral rights benefiting plaintiff who remains judicially unquestioned while never disciplined otherwise as improper behaviors guardian enabler. 

We hold state responsible for allowing imagined selves to malignantly evolve within as Coecreation. 
The fact is that we humans are free to choose our own vision of under God, but as watchmen I have not witnessed responsibility extended here to its ultimate other than toward pro antichrist movements in which state budget deadlocks unanimously confirm. 

Secularist states are not only of the soul ignorant, but for one reason or another are strongly immune or closed to it. 
We will define the Soul as “A God-Created, God Nurtured, Unique, Developable, and Immortal Human Spirit.
Many current oaths of as well as community convents fundamentally are focused within  concepts of the soul that deters shadows, yet many highly compensated officials  hypocritically demonstrate read only abilities and become quite insecure when shadows of own makings appear.

How does one create own shadow, easy, devil based laziness combined with attitude of invincibility immortality and you will be running away from what can never be outrun before you know it  just as my state is currently attempting pinioned while out of self-preservation running room. 

Karl Jung ascribed the root of Human eviL to “The Refusal to meet the Shadow”; we had federally backed New deal assistance toward re-Coecreation of strong Middle class taxpayers as backbone source of revenue foolishly (Squandered)  within unworkable old deal and what Jung means here are parts of tentacle minds containing those things that we would rather not own up to, that we as a state are continually trying to hide from (senior asset obtainments) ourselves and others while further sweeping our dirt under the rug of consciousness in the name of progress, but for whom? 

Responsibleness in authority, when pushed up against the Wall by Evidence acknowledges the Shadow. 
By Jung’s use of the word “REFUSAL” he implies something far more active, those who have crossed over the line (my Case) that separates ‘Sin’ from “eviL” are characterized most by their “Absolute “
Insistence not to tolerate any sense of own fiduciary sinfulness now require adjoining state asylum. 
The central defect within is not that state holds no consciousness but Refusal to bear all pains within. 
Another words it is not so much the sin itself that is unbearable, but the REFUSAL TO ACKNOWLEDGE IT THAT MAKES IT EVIL!

On basis of cultural norms until directly impacted, we generally place little necessity of thought concerning what is bad or inappropriate.
Norms that create cultural chaos are the ones most important to recognize and rethink
We will call them negative norms, and frequently they are dressed up and made to look and Sound Petty, but when we go below the Surface, we will find that they are Negative Precisely because they discourage targeted generation Growth based upon abundances of Half-Truths and Outright Lies that Serve to Manipulate and further Hold Us as Hostages.

The Road Less Traveled and Beyond – Spiritual Growth in an Age of Anxiety.

Not for profit senior community service situational education share.
Promoting better awareness’s through effective god based communications. 
Story lines combined within edit rewrite Reference Books: 
People of the Lie – the hope for healing Human Evil 
The Road Less Traveled and Beyond – Spiritual Growth in an Age of Anxiety.
Author: M. Scott Peck, M.D.
No ownership or infringements are sought nor implied in extension of self-help recovery share.
We thank Dr. Peck for sharing his intuitive under God Lecture series and practice accrued wisdoms enabling another to fight the good fight against Greed based narcissistic evils and all destructions within territories that lead into Hell on Earth. 

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Specialized Shepherd Task Force.

Ezekiel a Watchman
33 “Boomer Son of man, speak to your countrymen and say to them: ‘ When I bring the sword against a land, and the people of the land choose one of their men and make him their Watchmen, and he sees the (Probate misuses) coming against that land and blows the trumpet to warn the people, then if anyone hears the trumpet but does not take warning and the (privatized guardianship company ) comes and takes his life, his blood will be on his own head. 

Since he heard the sound of the trumpet but did not take warning, his blood will be on his own head.
If he had taken warning, he would have saved himself. 
But if the watchmen sees the sword coming (mental illness in financial concern) and does not blow the trumpet to warn the people (county of Oz) and the sword comes and takes the life of one of them, that man will be taken away for his Sin, but I will hold the Watchmen accountable for his blood. 

(7)”Boomer son of man, so hear the word I speak and give them warning from me.
When I say to the wicked, (licensee probate profiteers) ‘O wicked, you will surely (A.R.D.C-fall),’ and you do not speak out to dissuade from their ways, that wicked (licensee) will (fall) for their Sin, and I will hold you accountable for their blood.  
But if you do warn the wicked (Licensee) to turn from their ways and they do not do so, (licensee) will (Fall) for their Sins, but you will have saved yourself. 

(10) “Boomer son of man, say to the house (governor) of Israel, ‘this is what you are saying; (civil rights) offenses and (profiteer) Sins weigh us down, and we are wasting away because of them. 
How can we live? 
Sat to them, ‘As surely as I live, declares the sovereign lord, I take no pleasure in the fall of the Wicked, but rather they turn from their ways and live. 

Turn! Turn from your eviL ways! 
Why will you (fall), O house of Israel? 

Shepherds and sheep

(34) Boomer son of man, prophesy against the shepherds of Israel; prophesy and sat to them; ‘this is what the sovereign lord says: Woe to the shepherd of Israel who only takes care of themselves! 
Should not the shepherds take care of the (senior) flock? 

You eat the curds (senior assets), cloth your selves (probate endorsed invoices) with their wool and slaughter (turn to Medicaid upon asset depletion) choice animals.  

You have not strengthened the weak or healed the sick or bound up the injured. 
You have not brought back the stays that you have lost. 
You allowed (senior care appointments) to rule them harshly and brutally. 
So they were scatted (care environments well below medical opinion) because there was no shepherd, and when they were scattered (probate) they became Food (invoice consortium) for all the wild animals. 

(7) ‘There for you Shepherds hear the word of the lord: as surely as I Live declares the sovereign lord, because my (Senior) flock lacks a shepherd and so has been (financially) “Plundered” and has become food for all the Wild Animals, and because my (ad litem/ombudsmen) shepherds did not search for my flock, therefore, O Shepherds, hear the word of the Lord:

(10) This is what the Sovereign Lord says: I am against the shepherds and will hold them “Accountable” for my Flock. 
I will remove them from tending the flock so that shepherds can no longer feed themselves, I will rescue my flock (senior services) from their mouths, and it will no longer be food for them. 

(11) I will rescue them (federal Government) from all the places where they were scattered (probate system) on days of clouds and darkness. 
I will bring them into their own land; I will pasture them on the mountains of Israel, in the ravines and in all the settlements in the land. 
(16) I will search for the lost and bring back the strays, I will bind up the injured and strengthen the weak, but the “SLEEK” and the strong I will destroy, I will shepherd the flock with JUSTICE.
Holy Bible New International Version

We have already mentioned unregulated privatized senior guardianship providers breed unsound specializations.
In so doing the specialized consortium is in a position to pass the moral buck to some other specialized cog (probate court) in the machine or onto the machine itself. 

Even when we previously spoke about the regression individuals undergo when they take the role of followers in a group, we were talking about Specialization. 

The follower is not a whole person, accepted role is neither to think nor lead that has defaulted capacity to think and lead.

And because thinking and leading are no longer specialties or duty, they usually default conscience in the Bargain, A.K.A. club unwritten contract not available for public access. 

Turning from consideration of the specialized individual to the specialized Consortium, we will see the same Dangerous Forces at Work. 
Consortium task force was a specialized group, it existed for only one highly specialized purpose: to search and destroy senior asset wellbeing. 
An important fact to bear in mind about consortium specialization is that it is seldom either ‘Accidental’ or “Random”. 
It is usually “HIGHLY SELECTIVE”!
It is not by accident consortium free will chooses specialization in senior guardianship offering high profiteering potentials. 
Any specialty consortium is a particular Breed as a result of both self-selection and group selection for membership in the CLUB. 
The nature of Guardianship work allows for certain amounts of expression in aggression over another that certain candidates gravitate toward but not always compatible with the rank and file of legitimate providers that should be Weeded Out! I definitely know of one in continual demonstration. 

From these examples we can “DISCERN” three general Principles regarding specialized consortium group. 
First, the specialized group inevitably develops a group character that is self-reinforcing.
Same name not allowed to mention comes to mind once again, interesting. 

We have already mentioned through senior services task force is a specialized group, existing solely for the purpose of asset retention and estate destruction. 
What the reader may not realize, however, is the large amount of selection and self-selection involved in creation of this group club. 
Novice Pacifists have no place here among career personnel who had deliberately chosen Specialization or some other reason of avoidance. 

The Specialized human composition of Task Force Guardianship raises Three Significant Issues.  
First is the question of Flexibility that can be expected from Specialized Human Beings. 
Members primarily exist for one reason or another gravitated in asset role over another.
Hosts of circumstances now provide ample unchallengeable invoice opportunities many times indiscriminate holding no conscious over what they had done and by civilian standards normally earns 
Vacation provided orange jump suite. 

A second issue is the Subtle but Definite “SCAPEGOATING “INVOLVED. 
Prodigal prototypical was a “Cheat” and a “THEIF”, an unpleasant sort of employee for whom it is not easy to feel great sympathy, but was to become consortium scapegoat somewhere down the line. 
To overt executive accountability within they simply purified upper echelons through suggestive dumping of all dirt on the employee while prompting benefit of resignation as sacrifice while scapegoating clients or wards as well. 

Our third issue we must look at is presents us with a dreadful reality we must not ignore as many will become senior of means candidates themselves someday. 
For the reality is that it is not only possible but “EASY” and quite natural for the select to commit probate eviL without emotion involvement simply by turning loose its Specialists. 
It happened in Nazi Germany, it happened in Vietnam and it is happening right now in our own backyard. 


We are not arguing that we should do without Specialty Groups entirely; that would be to throw out the baby with the bath water. 

The point is that if we must have guardianship at all it should not hurt. 
As a people we should not toy with the means of age induced personal financial  destruction by Law, medical, or otherwise without being willing to personally BEAR THE RESPONSIBILITY OF WIELDING THEM.

If we must pre retain senior assets let us not select and train proverbial hired financial assassins to do the dirty work for us and then forget that there is any blood involved. 
If we must break In Living Trusts while hijacking personal or estate assets then let us suffer the agony involved ourselves. 
Otherwise we insulate from deeds, and as a whole people we become no better than what has been described in previous sections: eviL.
For EVIL arises in the Refusal to acknowledge our own Sin’s. 

Reference: People of the Lie – The Hope for Healing Human Evil. 

Not for profit senior community service situational education share.
Promoting better awareness’s through effective god based communications. 
Story line based upon updated edits of reference perspective: Author Dr. M. Scott Peck, M.D.
No ownership or infringements are sought nor implied in extension of self-help recovery share.
We thank Dr. Peck for sharing his intuitive under God Lecture series and practice accrued wisdoms enabling another to fight the good fight against Greed based narcissistic evils and destructions within territories that lead into Hell.