Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Guardianship as a fourth order dyscontrol free enterprise system.

One of the greatest catastrophes one will ever have experienced is loss of identity the privatized way. 
Guardianship as a racket demoralizes fiduciary to appear never completely in state of moral disintegration as rouge separatist.
Counseled disorganization is its means, monitoring whitewashes its failures, and fence straddling secures the nature behind mystiques alleged complex game. 
Once realizations set in unethical fiduciary redundancies stance will no longer be tolerated instead of integral correction the pathologic guardianship summons probate to discount all elements that stand in its way as accustomed. 
Their perceptual processes distort avarice’s reality picture to the outside world. 
Fiduciary Cognitive processes become so ensnarled in unethical political poisons few attorneys’ exist desiring to be associated with cases of these sorts so if under god holds meaning prepare to defend self. 
Expect all proper fiduciary challenges to receive inappropriate responses under devil’s advocate rule. 
Productivity will be unethically handicapped to near zero, valued outside world linkages severed through prohibitions and endless monitoring preserves “outward room” speculating “the closed door” provides infamy. 
Our nation’s integral forefathers futuristically foreseen tendencies toward being scarcely human and as safeguard ensuring proper evolution created document these nine men in Washington are always talking about proclaiming under God maintains as one. 
So it should come as no real surprise what occurs and where we are headed when we unethically moot time tested foundations favoring avarice’s harebrained agendas one sentence at a time.
It is faintly understandable how any official in their right mind perceives these types of unnecessary pains benefit community while budgets reflect no business holding office. 
Some classical descriptions of our current state in managing senior affairs can be are easily found through master clinician research. 
They tell stories about concealments hide fiduciary uncleanness in which primarily everything done wrong self-comforted having depleted a valuable resource over time. 
Studies reveal even captains in industry display human tendency when backed up against deceits wall hold retreat into broken sentences while their walks are in straddling fashions and their talks hymn loudly ridiculous hearsay. 
The list here while quite lengthy foundationally it is not complex in topical common denominators. 
Boomers present last stance understanding how to return home from darkness.
An improper behavior somewhere over time never successfully avoids natural laws final say to reflect otherwise - while quickest way to escalate toward hot seat is redundantly apply ego based critical thinking that grossly over indulged in its inherent stupid selfishness and congratulations your now head of your class.
In summary: categories of behaviors characterized have no business licensed to manage over another let alone hold title over assets. 
Swindling is stealing while sanctioned swindling Robs our overall economic security within what great depression was made of being patronized hoarder re-circulators fleeced populists toward buildings of individualized piazzas that fell into ruins while taxpayers had to finance them torn down as eyesores family abandoned.  
No responsible heathy minded leader conjures up and deploys to these extremes while in community under God especially when credentials and certificates proclaim no excuse having dabbled in otherness. 
Reference: The Vital Balance – The life process in Mental Health and Illness. 
Dear Mr fantasies reckoner.
Under God and document those nine men in Washington are always talking about: life-care movement commentary is based upon updated status in yesteryear that forensic gluttony returning for more. 
The Moral man, said Freud, “is not he who is never tempted” but he who can resist his temptations.”
Movement is a grass root - not for profit senior community service effort - that shares experiences promoting better educational awareness through effective communications. 
You do have a voice and a choice and Life-care movement cares.
We thank Authors Karl Menninger, M.D – Martin Mayman Ph.D. and Paul Pruyser, Ph.D. and providing Chicago library leaning center for sharing their intuitiveness as resource enabling average Simpleton to successfully navigate through Immoral seas intentionally designed to unethically place seniors into Hell’s two tier kitchen of injustice minus ability to defend. 
Our dream weaver has revealed our way.
True Freedom rarely comes free but is worth fighting for securing family values that can be positively passed on ensuring evolution equally enjoys security in no other unduly writes another’s epitaph disrespecting those nine men in Washington always talked about under God for capital gains.  

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